I never thought I'd be writing a post about my 2 year old AND my 4 month old, but here we are and we are so very lucky to be here!
These sibling photos keep getting better and better! |
Happy! |
Hey Mom! |
Leo has been doing a tremendous amount of growing (emotional, physical, and intellectual) in the last couple of months. He now regularly says Mommy, Daddy, along with a variety of other words and even some multi-word phrases. Admittedly, it is unclear whether or not he realizes that "Where'd it go?" is three words and not just one really long word but we'll take it! We have also been very excited to see that he is now addressing other people by name as well - good practice for his years as a politician. He follows directions (that he wants to follow) and he really loves group hugs. His favorite activities of the moment are reading(still!), climbing, walking animals or driving trains across the floor, and running like a maniac down the hallway. This last game is such a favorite that several of Leo's friends mentioned it in their birthday cards to him! Size wise, Leo is in a mix of 2T and 3T clothing. Leo continues to mostly not notice Seth's existence BUT he has said baby a number of times when Seth has been in the vicinity.
Seth, on the other hand, is becoming more and more alert and is DEFINITELY aware that Leo exists as evidenced by the fact that whenever Leo is in his line of sight, he stares extra intently at him. Currently weighing in at somewhere between 12 and 13 pounds, Seth's bald spot is now entirely gone and his eyes are still (for the moment) bright blue. Seth's major accomplishments of the past month include the ability to roll over from his tummy to his back on his left side (propelled mostly by his disproportionately large head and his strong will to NOT BE ON HIS STOMACH), lifting his front on his forearms for 1.2 seconds, and lots of new gurgling noises. He also seems to maybe possibly kind of be not only staring intently at objects but also reaching for them. He loves loves loves shoving his fists into his mouth, singing, and games where you zoom in and out from his face making robot noises. Eric has really been enjoying playing lots of airplane with him. In terms of sleep, Seth is still taking about ninety-seven 45 minute naps a day, followed by maaaaaybe a stretch of 4-5 hours at night and then wakeups every 2 hours.
Eric and I are mostly hanging in there - although we talk fondly of the time when we will once again have two babies that generally sleep through the night. We've definitely been busier - hence the fewer updates - but we are loving our family of four!
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