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A Workout for the Rocking-to-Sleep Mom

It recently occurred to me as I was working up a sweat while rocking Seth to sleep that the physicality of this ritual is no joke.  I was becoming overheated and uncomfortable in my long sleeved shirt - sure signs that I was burning calories/am out of shape/the heat was on - and I thought to myself, what if someone made this into a workout?  Then I wouldn't have to use nap time for my working out, I could do it pre-nap time and then use nap time for...napping!  

Granted, this workout is only going to work out for you (see what I did there?) if you have a baby who needs rocking.  BUT, correct me if I'm wrong, what baby doesn't need rocking, at least in the beginning? You should mix and match the following exercises in whatever order/duration works for your baby, but the following order is what works for Seth (and my cardiovascular/muscular systems).*

Exercise 1: Deep squats.  Bend at the knee and do as many as is necessary to stop your baby from screaming like a banshee.  The more pain you feel, the more your baby likes it. Trust me on this one. 
Image result for squats

Exercise 2: Shift into side-to-side lunges.  These should also be as deep as possible.  Your baby's eyes might be starting to close, but have no fear because this is a total fake out and they are about to pop back open. 

Exercise 3: Time to mix it up with a little cardio - SKATERS.  Gently hop from side to side, adding a little bounce into your rocking.  Think Jillian, 30 Day Shred. 

Image result for skaters exercise
Exercise 4: Cardio continued: Pony prances!  These are similar to a high knee, except your knees should be coming up just a couple inches as you run back and forth across your bedroom.  Look out for the crib and pacifier obstacles!
Image result for high knees

Exercise 5: Time to cool it down a little with some Gorilla squats.  Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I basically invented these.  Swing your baby back and forth in your arms while also squatting from side to side.  With any luck your baby's eyes should be starting to close for reals. 

Like this, but not - you know? 

Exercise 6: Shake it out a little with some staccato calf raises. 

Exercise 6:Cool Down - Gently sway from side to side while patting your baby's bottom.  Do this for as long as is necessary to put your baby to sleep.  CAUTION: Do not under any circumstances tenderly kiss your baby's forehead as this will cause them to wake up and you will need to repeat the above sequence. 

With any luck, you'll have rock hard thighs, glutes, and calves by the time your baby is falling asleep on their own. 

*Do not begin any workout without an okay from your doctor.  Also, do some stretches. 

Credit for all images: Women's Health Magazine. Except the gorilla one: 


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