I can't believe it's been so long since...okay, I can believe it. Time flies with two kids, but that's no excuse for not updating Seth's legions of fans on his development.
Since our last post, Seth has gone from being a newborn to being quite the active little dude. He's really starting to come into his own as a baby and assert his personality with increasing flair. Seth loves to "chat," blow raspberries, laugh, smile, and grab his feet.
Looks: Seth has more hair than Leo did at this point, but with a substantial "cry it out" bald spot on the back of his head. His eyes are still a bright blue, depending on what he's wearing. Seth has continued to gain both height and weight very well - this past month he jumped all the way from the 3% - 6% in weight! Woot!
Eating: Seth continues to love to nurse, and we have begun our journey into the land of solid foods. We've tried cereal, carrots, avocado, and sweet potato in that order - his favorite is, by far, the humble yam.
Sleeping: Our uphill battle with Seth has been his sleep. Perhaps it's because he's a preemie or he always would have been this way, but Seth and sleep have not been the best combination. For a while there, he was spending half the night in bed on the boob and half in the rock 'n play that he has certainly outgrown. His nighttime sleep has slowly improved and he now, for the most part, wakes up twice a night to eat and is up for the day at the "reasonable" hour of 6. We are still struggling with the best time to put him to bed but we think we're narrowing the field. During the day, Seth still primarily likes to nap every 1.5 hours for anywhere from 45 minutes - 2 hours. He is not on a schedule, due to the variability of his napping, however I have high hopes that by month 8, we will have a more predictable daytime routine! If he was my only baby, I probably wouldn't be so obsessed with the idea of a schedule but #toddler.
Development: In terms of overall development, Seth seems to still be tracking at about 6 weeks behind Leo. I had thought when he was born early that I wouldn't care so much about milestones, but I find I have a hard time not remembering where Leo was at this point. For example, Leo was sitting, wheelbarrowing himself across the floor to get to a destination, and rolling easily in both directions at this age. I do think that Seth could roll from back to front and sit up if he wanted to...but he doesn't. Instead he prefers to be on his back or "standing" with the help of two adult hands. Seriously, when we try to prop him in a sitting position, he resists violently to the point of nuclear meltdown.
We love this guy so much and can't wait to see what he does next!
Since our last post, Seth has gone from being a newborn to being quite the active little dude. He's really starting to come into his own as a baby and assert his personality with increasing flair. Seth loves to "chat," blow raspberries, laugh, smile, and grab his feet.
Looks: Seth has more hair than Leo did at this point, but with a substantial "cry it out" bald spot on the back of his head. His eyes are still a bright blue, depending on what he's wearing. Seth has continued to gain both height and weight very well - this past month he jumped all the way from the 3% - 6% in weight! Woot!
Eating: Seth continues to love to nurse, and we have begun our journey into the land of solid foods. We've tried cereal, carrots, avocado, and sweet potato in that order - his favorite is, by far, the humble yam.
Sleeping: Our uphill battle with Seth has been his sleep. Perhaps it's because he's a preemie or he always would have been this way, but Seth and sleep have not been the best combination. For a while there, he was spending half the night in bed on the boob and half in the rock 'n play that he has certainly outgrown. His nighttime sleep has slowly improved and he now, for the most part, wakes up twice a night to eat and is up for the day at the "reasonable" hour of 6. We are still struggling with the best time to put him to bed but we think we're narrowing the field. During the day, Seth still primarily likes to nap every 1.5 hours for anywhere from 45 minutes - 2 hours. He is not on a schedule, due to the variability of his napping, however I have high hopes that by month 8, we will have a more predictable daytime routine! If he was my only baby, I probably wouldn't be so obsessed with the idea of a schedule but #toddler.
Development: In terms of overall development, Seth seems to still be tracking at about 6 weeks behind Leo. I had thought when he was born early that I wouldn't care so much about milestones, but I find I have a hard time not remembering where Leo was at this point. For example, Leo was sitting, wheelbarrowing himself across the floor to get to a destination, and rolling easily in both directions at this age. I do think that Seth could roll from back to front and sit up if he wanted to...but he doesn't. Instead he prefers to be on his back or "standing" with the help of two adult hands. Seriously, when we try to prop him in a sitting position, he resists violently to the point of nuclear meltdown.
We love this guy so much and can't wait to see what he does next!
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