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Seth at One Month

Stats: 6 lbs, 10 oz; 20.5 inches long

This has pretty much been Seth's first month - lots of sleeping.  Despite his quite exciting delivery, Seth has (so far) been rocking the title of "Flexible Second Child", originated by Aunt Elizabeth. Seth spent his first week in the NICU, first on a breathing apparatus and IV fluids, then just IV fluids, and then flying footloose and fancy free.  Our main concern when we first brought Seth home was whether or not he was eating enough, since he was pretty much always snoozing.  I would nurse and then Eric would supplement with pumped milk in a bottle.  Problem was, most of the time Seth was comatose from the nursing and trying to get a bottle into his mouth was quite the ordeal.  So, we decided to chuck the bottle and just nurse.  As it turns out, his weight gain has been great and we've been on no supplementation for about two weeks!  

As the month has continued, Seth has been eating more and has been increasingly alert (sometimes awake for an hour and a half at a time!), but we still have quite the sleeper on our hands. HOWEVER, like his big brother Leo, sometimes napping in his bouncer or the Rock 'n Play doesn't cut it and he much prefers to be held which is a pretty delicious task.  When he is sleeping, Seth often makes the most ridiculous grunting noises that make him sound like a hippo trying to birth a bigger hippo.  

Aside from sleeping and eating, Seth has also been engaging in some tummy time (while listening to 90s power ballads obviously) and going on trips in a Boba wrap which I am slowly getting better at using.  We've been getting some eye contact, but mostly he seems to like looking at super interesting objects like the ceiling.  

Overall, having two kids has not proved to be too difficult so far which is probably due to the fact that Seth has been pretty easy and Leo doesn't appear to care that Seth exists the majority of the time. Both of these circumstances have the potential to change so we're just enjoying this while it lasts! I've been incredibly lucky to have full time help while Eric is at work, so talk to me in month two when I've been on my own! That being said, it is very odd to go from thinking about the needs of one kid to two.  We've also had a couple moments where both kids were screaming which is an oy vey and a half. In addition, playing man to man defense  instead of two on one means that I'm not necessarily getting my nap while Leo and Eric are at the park! 


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