Whenever people asked me whether I wanted to have a boy or a girl while carrying Leo and Seth, I usually said, we don't care, we just want a baby who is happy and healthy! Sometimes I would say, there are pluses and minus to both! Rarely did I say what I was actually thinking: that a baby's biological gender doesn't say anything for certain about the personality of that child or even necessarily about the gender that they will eventually identify as. Because most people see this answer as crazy-pants-hippie-talk. Don't get me wrong - there are certainly stereotypical boy and girl traits that are embodied by many boys and girls. These are stereotypes for a reason - they are common. We all know what these traits are: boys are tough, girls are gentle. Boys love trucks, girls love dolls. The list goes on. When people ask "Boy or girl?", I am sure that these are the traits that they are picturing. These expectations, though, feel wrong to...
Unlike that 97 year old grandmother in the grocery store or that judgmental parent on the playground, unsolicited stories and advice about parenting that you can read or not read, use or not use, regard or disregard.