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Leo at One Year

Well, we all made it to one year! Leo is alive and well, we are alive and well, and we haven't traded him to a gypsy for a handful of magic beans or anything. There is a lot of anticipation leading up to the one year moment - everything gets easier!  he'll start sleeping till 7am! you'll feel like a human again!  All of this hasn't quite been the case. But just maybe, things are leveling out, and getting just a bit easier. Every day is a new adventure(or a replay of the previous day's adventures), and we do really feel like we're finally settling into being parents. 


In case you ever want to know what you were like when you turned one:

You were not yet embarrassed by your parents. That will come later. Like when you read this.

You were 31.5" tall (95th percentile), and about 25 pounds (88th percentile). You were wearing mostly 12-18 month clothing and looking quite dashing while doing it. 

You were still officially small enough that a good poop could substantially affect your weight.

Your hair was getting just long enough to start curling into a mullet in the back. When you think about your path to becoming a professional hockey player, you can think back to this moment when you had a mullet, lots of missing teeth, and the ground was covered with ice.

You liked taking things and putting them under other things. If we aren't careful, all your socks could easily disappear under the dresser.

You love your shoes. Not so much the wearing, but certainly the holding. Other babies have their binkie, you have your sneakie.

You are great at walking with your walker. We are pretty sure you would be just fine walking on your own, but that's okay, you'll get there at your own pace. As long as once you start, you walk like a New Yorker!

You really hate people touching your nose. Which has been tough, because it has been a really nasty winter. You do love Eskimo kisses so that is a step in the right direction!

You love reading books on your own.  You love people reading books to you. And you are very sad when anyone stops.  One of your favorite books to "read" is The Dictionary of Failed Relationships.  We can only hope this isn't foreshadowing something to come. 

You always poop between 7:30 and 7:45am. 

You used to not care when we pointed out things like your poop schedule to the world.

You were still a great solid food eater. Clementines, grapes, or pretty much any fruit was a big winner, as was any version of bread, cheese, or cheesy bread. Also, you loved broccoli. No, really. 

But what was certainly a hit was cake. You were pretty much the only baby to make the classic cake-smeared face. But let there be no mistaking, you got the cake in your mouth too - there were no leftovers unless we took the cake away.

Also, we learned taking the cake away was something you certainly noticed! 

You started drinking whole milk in addition to breast milk. The first few days weren't so great (you were kind of barfy), but it seems like you are getting the hang of it! Really, you like drinking just about anything - breast milk, whole milk, water, tub water...

You had 4 teeth - but lots of bumps, so we figured more would shortly be on the way!

You weren't talking yet, though you were still pretty good at making your wishes known.

We love you, Leo!  Here's to our one year anniversary of being a family!


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