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Baby Obsessions

The baby toy industry is the most insane of all the industries.  I mean, I guess it has to be because their competition is pretty steep.  And free. 

1. Dirty Bathroom Rug

Leo is obsessed with this rug (and the bathroom in general).  He spends so much time running his hands over it and trying to lick it that you would think it was a Porsche and ice cream cone all in one. 

2.  Ancient Bathroom Toilet from 1983

Continuing on the bathroom theme, Leo has recently become incredibly enamored of the toilet.  He delights in standing and drumming on it for hours.  He vastly prefers it to the toy drum that we purchased for this purpose.

3. Crevice Behind Bedroom Door and Door Hinge

Leo pushes the bedroom door closed and then burrows himself into this crevice, zeroing in on the door hinge which he then caresses fondly as one might handle a favorite fine wine.  

4. Terrifically Dangerous Wood Rods

Because we have cats that know how to open our sliding closet doors, we put rods in the track to block the doors from opening.  These rods are of endless fascination to Leo, as he twirls them around his head.  He's working on poking both of his eyes out simultaneously.

5. Lead Painted Over Door Lock
I don't know what it is about door fixtures, but Leo really has quite a thing for them.  I don't     remember how we found out about this one since it is about 3 feet above his line of sight, 
but he loves it so much he'll often gaze upon it while eating dinner.  

6. Air Conditioner

While Leo loves his table, he really loves his air conditioner.  The textures, the sights, the cold air blowing in from outside - it's all happening! 

7. Ancient 1960's Intercom

Buttons.  Smooth surface.  Rough Surface.  Shiny. What doesn't this intercom have to             offer?!?

8. The Outdoors

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