I've heard rumors that there are babies who LOVE being in the car. These babies fall asleep the minute the engine goes on and stay asleep until the car arrives at its destination (whether that's 5 minutes or 5 hours). This would work out great for me - a chance to relax, kick back my feet, think about nothing. However, Leo is not one of these babies. And so, managing car trips with Leo has become my Mount Everest.* First road trip home from the hospital! 90% blanket. At the beginning, road trips were pretty much no big deal. He was asleep most of the time anyway, so as long as he was fed and dry, he was pretty much good to go. Also, these road trips tended to be really short (30 minutes or less). Our first trip out, we went to the bris and we occasionally traveled to the UES for some bagels and lox (Leo likes his thinly sliced by the guy at the Fairway counter). Life is better in the front seat! It wasn't apparent that there...
Unlike that 97 year old grandmother in the grocery store or that judgmental parent on the playground, unsolicited stories and advice about parenting that you can read or not read, use or not use, regard or disregard.