Welcome to the Beaton Baby Blog! We'll be tracking all of Leo's developments and milestones and posting pictures. Enjoy!
Here's an update on Leo's first four months:
Month One(February)
- Likes: Sleeping in the vibrating chair or on people and drinking from a bottle.
- Dislikes: Sleeping in the crib, nursing
- New Developments: Able to hold his head up for .3 seconds. First trip outside of the house(aside from doctor's appointments) was to the bris. Second, was to Le Pain Quotidien to see other moms and babies! Obviously, Rachel felt that Leo was the cutest one there!
Leo's first month involved a lot of us fumbling around, trying to figure out how to take care of a baby! The first two weeks were pretty challenging, considering that Leo was not a great nurser and so he was hungry ALL. THE. TIME. Eventually, Rachel started pumping more and we began feeding him from a bottle. Both of us walked around in a daze for most of this month, so happy to have Leo here and completely exhausted at the same time. Leo loved to be swung back and forth and we spent a significant amount of time walking around with him in the carrier to calm him down. The Bris was great - we had so many friends and family there to support us and the mohel did a wonderful job!
Month Two(March):
- Likes: Looking at the toys on his playmat, going for walks in the stroller or carrier, singing!
- Dislikes: Not being in motion, sleeping in the crib, nursing
- New Developments: First smile at 5 weeks, able to hold his head up for a couple of minutes at a time!
Leo's second month was a little more under control than the first. We had a pretty solid routine of feeding, playtime, and napping. We hosted our first playdate at the apartment for a bunch of moms and babies which spurred the first real cleaning of the apartment since Leo was born! We started to do a lot more tummy time with Leo and so he became much better at holding his head up. Rachel also left the house for the first time since he was born(school play and dinner with Lizzy), which was nervewracking but she knew that he was in good hands with Daddy! It was amazing to see Leo's first smile and once he started, he didn't stop! He is such a smiley baby!
Month Three(April):
- Likes: Singing, looking at patterns, reaching for toys on the playmat or in his chair, looking at the refridgerator, smiling!, looking at himself in the mirror, Freddie the Firefly!
- Dislikes: Sleeping in the crib, and nursing
- New Developments: Can hold his head up for several minutes at a time, and rolling from front to back at 11 weeks! Also, much better at making eye contact, and lots of babbling!
Leo's third month was filled with many new happenings! He really seemed to wake up to the world around him, smiling and talking with pretty much everyone and everything(including inanimate objects). We were so excited when he rolled over for the first time, although he acted like it was no big deal. He also became much better at actually touching things when he reached for them. We were somewhat less tired, but he was still waking up 3 times a night. We went to many play dates and stroller walks, and Rachel started working out on the Promenade with Leo there to support her! We also saw our second lactation consultant and Leo began to nurse somewhat better, which was a real gift for everyone.
Month Four(May):
- Likes: All music, looking at EVERYTHING, grabbing EVERYTHING, making eye contact with other babies, generally being adorable, putting things in his mouth
- Dislikes: ...not much!
- New Developments: Rolling both ways, master of tummy time, grabbing, lots of new noises when babbling including shrieking and gurgling
Leo's fourth month brought lots of nice weather and the end of the newborn phase. He became much more active, rolling around on the floor and using his arms and his legs to interact with toys. He became a stronger nurser(still not perfect). We also began transitioning to the crib this month for about a nap a day. We probably could have had him in the crib more, but Rachel was nervous so instead we used the swing but had him in his own room for the night. Rachel went back to work which, as you can imagine, was quite the emotional roller coaster. He stayed with Gran, Bubbe, Daddy, Aunt Elizabeth, and Gran again before school was out for the summer!
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